We are

Sammamish Seniors is a virtual place for all adults 50+ in Sammamish, Washington to gather online or in a physical location to enhance their overall health by making new friends and reconnecting with old ones.

We come together through community walks or hikes, visit after caring for a loved one, meet for lively book and movie discussions, educational and community speakers, cognitive skills games, virtual cooking/nutrition classes and simply chatting over a cup of coffee. These are a few of the many possibilities that help them maintain optimal health, making Sammamish a healthier city.

Get Moving
Inside & Outside

Come Together
to Learn & Teach

Listen & Discuss
for Personal Growth

Laugh, Visit and
Have Fun!


Because we care about you, we want to know what is important to you and how Sammamish Seniors can best serve you and the 50+ community. Your answers to our survey matter! We care about you!




You’re Invited to Our Events


We’re giving out gift cards! All you need to do to enter is email SammamishSeniors@gmail.com with:

• Your name
• Your contact numbers
• The answer to the question in the newsletter

The winner will be contacted via email and phone and will be announced at the start of next month. Good luck!

Vision &

Our VISION is to provide a community gathering place where older adults are empowered to choose and develop more joyful, healthy, and meaningful lives. To achieve our vision, our MISSION is to promote relationships and activities that enhance the well-being of older adults so they feel as important to their community as younger generations. Imagine ways to find inspiration from older Sammamish adults in the future:

  • Competing in the Senior Olympics
  • Winning national bridge tournaments
  • Celebrating a “Walk for the Cure” team of seniors
  • Volunteering as reading mentors in elementary schools across the city
  • Representing their age cohort at a Farmer’s Market booth
  • Helping middle and high school students develop STEM strengths
  • Serving on advisory councils to enhance current


We want to welcome you to our community, where enhancing your overall health is a priority. Inside each newsletter, you’ll find important community announcements, crossword puzzles and other games to give your brain a workout, and information on upcoming events. Don’t miss out – sign up today!

is Needed:
We Can
Do This!

A healthy older population in Sammamish will benefit from intentional activities because Sammamish Seniors will help address their emotional, social, physical and intellectual needs. These needs are pressing, now more than ever.

The pandemic has taken its toll on every age cohort, with older adults being especially isolated without school or workplace contacts. Loneliness is acute among seniors of all ages. Every area adjacent to or near Sammamish has a Senior Center. As one of the highest income areas in Washington State, it is possible for Sammamish to have a permanent place where its older adults can gather in a safe and healthy environment and it’s needed! Data shows the need for a permanent gathering place in Sammamish for older adults. Resource: 2018 Sammamish Needs Assessment report.


Funding sources to establish Sammamish Seniors permanently will seed an organization that can currently serve the generation that founded this city, the community where older adults – especially the low income: 669 individuals <$20,000 per year or less; 1,117 <$40,000 per year or less – and those who love them, are empowered to choose and develop more joyful, healthful, and meaningful lives. Funding sources to establish Sammamish Seniors permanently will seed an organization that can currently serve the generation that founded this city, the Baby Boomers (born 1946-1964), and lay a strong foundation for Generation X (born 1965-1979). As the city ages, so will its population base. Those who are 50+ now will be the beneficiaries of a vibrant program in just ten years! The Xennials (born 1979-1983) and Millennials (born 1984-1996) will inherit the long-term benefits of today’s efforts.